Flexible Working

In more recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the value of flexibility in the workplace, especially for women. Employers are increasingly offering flexible work arrangements to help them balance their work and personal lives.

Flexible working is a way of working that suits an employee’s needs; these arrangements can take many forms, including shortened or flexible hours, shorter workweeks, and job sharing.

- Shortened or flexible hours allow employees to adjust their schedules to accommodate family or personal responsibilities. For example, a mother may be able to work from 9 am to 3 pm instead of 9 am to 5 pm, so she can pick up her children from school. Similarly, an employee might prefer to start their day earlier or later than usual to avoid rush hour traffic.

- Shorter workweeks are another option for a flexible workforce. Instead of working five days a week, employees might work four or even three days a week. This allows them to have more time for family or personal activities.

- In addition to the above, job sharing is also an option. This is where two people share the responsibilities of a full-time position. This allows both individuals to work part-time and have more time for other commitments.

There are many benefits for a company to operate a flexible working model. Firstly, it allows employees to balance their work and personal lives better, leading to increased job satisfaction. When employees are given the flexibility to manage their time, they are more productive, engaged, and committed to their work. This can lead to better employee retention and a more positive work environment. In addition, flexible work arrangements can also help to reduce stress and burnout, as employees are less likely to feel overwhelmed by competing demands on their time.

The increasing value of flexibility in the workplace is undeniable, for both men and women. Modern-day family demands and domestic abilities are able to be shared between a couple, thanks to such a structure. As more companies recognise the benefits of flexibility, we can expect to see an increase in the number of flexible work arrangements available to employees.

As an all-female team, we see first-hand the benefits flexibility offers as some of our team members balance work around family life demands, including the school run. If you’re looking for a new opportunity which allows you to work flexibly, then keep an eye on our Job Board as we’ll always state when a role offers this.

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